Feathery things in Prag
I need a break. I like him so much so I need a break. I need to be without him, not talk to him and then get back to being his friend. Just friends is a bad sentence though. There's no just in very good friends.
Anywho, how, whatever!
I was at A.Hs house today. At first L was running around like a crazy person saying random words that didn't make any sense. After putting Finding Nemo on, he sat down and watched it and calmed down a bit, and later fell asleep. (This was the short version of the three hour drama we could call how to make mommy loose her mind in ten days)
So A.H and I got time to hang out alone. Pollen joined us too and some of it even sneaked in to her living room. What are those white, feathery things that blow in the air?
While on the subject (white feathery things) I can tell you all about my hair! It's not white, no, I'd never be that unclassy. It is much lighter though. So all I have to do now is wait for 3 weeks, cut it, and highlight it. And then I'm back in business.
To round things up I can also tell you that I'm going to Prag! I told S.H I wanted to go to Copenhagen, but she won't mind where we go. If I even tell her that I've changed my mind.
S: Bex... this doesn't look like Copenhagen?
Me: Nonsence! Jetlagged from that short trip are we? Baha, come along now S.

S: That looks like the old town hall in Prag....and the people don't speak Danish..
me: LOOK! An anime bookstore!!
And the problem is solved.