No running inside

It was one of those mornings. Some workers were arriving at 7.30 in the morning and I had to shower and get dressed before they arrived. Because of the stress I slipped in the bathroom and scared L half to death when I almost hit my head on the side of the bathtub. Mommy must be still, don't run inside!! Is what he told me. Clever boy.

Breakfast was interresting. Since I was on the phone until 3 a.m. I must have been tired when I put away the cellphone charger... When I was making breakfast for Leon I found the charger in the fridge on top of the butter, right next to the milk. Next thing I did was trying to put butter on L's sandwich with a fork. Sure, it works, but a knife is much easier. Mental note for me there. Check!

Update on the weather contract: NOTHING! Not one word. Not the slighest improvement  Bigger update tomorrow. Ooh, you can't wait!

Could this be the weather God mocking us by dancing with an umbrella when there's no rain. I mean, I thought my offers where pretty good. Let's just agree on that Mr Weather God (yes, it's a man, a woman would be much more gentle).


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