Do you remember when the boy/girl-thing was easy? No, of course you don't ‘cause it never has been! The whole complication starts at playschool where toys are separated in to girls- and boys-toys, pink and blue, GI Joes and Barbie dolls, ballet and football.
I've been raised in an equal society, men and women are supposed to be seen as equals, and that's always a good start even though it will never be 50/50 in any country. When I lived in Germany it was worse and I'm not even going to get started about that place.
The equal (or not so equal) thing is the reason to why dating is so hard. For a woman like me who takes what she wants and lives life to the fullest and don't get all girly about stuff these last few years of dating have been confusing and it has changed me. Guilt has all of a sudden creeped in to the dating game. What can I do? What can I say? When is it too early to do something and what is politically correct to do in this situation?
I never used to think about things like that, I used to roll with the punches and give the world all of my personality. Give them my opinion on the matter whether it would hurt my chances with them or not. These days I find myself sitting in front of people, both men and women, thinking: That person is a total idiot and I will probably never agree with a thing he/she says but I just keep on nodding and smiling and sometimes the fake laugh has been the only way to get out of the situation. The old me would say: I don't agree, I will respect you for your opinion but as I said; just don't agree.
So the old me who used to think stuff like Hell no, I'm not dating him, he lives on the BLUE line of the subway. Or This person is wasting my energy in a negative way so I'm getting out of this asap! That old person has to come back.
So I'm leaving small traps and treats for that old personality and I hope I will catch it in the end. Maybe some big ass earrings, some hair dye in a crazy colour or a loud hip hop song to shake some ass to.
No, I'm not getting like this again. I'm all about meeting halfways these days, so half of this will do.