On the forth day she rests. That's what it says in my little bible and who am I to go against it or disagree. Yesterday was nice. I was tired all night but I knew I was going to be, so no surprises there. I drank my wine, talked with as many people as possible and hung out on the balcony. It was, in other words: a typical Swedish home party. When they started playing games and the neighbours complained about the noise, I phoned a taxi and went home. I was so tired I almost fell asleep the second I took my shoes off.
I met a girl at the party who's going to move to my neighbourhood. Not just my neighbourhood but almost next to me. And when I talked about this place I heard myself getting partial. I've grown up here. This place has shaped me into who I am and made me proud of being from this little suburban nightmare. After leaving it for 4 years I came back when I was pregnant. I hate this place and love it at the same time. You can put new paint on the houses, make new people move in to the new ones they put up a couple of years ago. But everyone who's ever lived in a suburb like this knows that it doesn't change. This place will always remain the same. Thank God or not? It is what it is I guess.
I'm listening a lot to Alicia Keys now. No one and Superwoman are on repeat when I'm editing the book and somehow her voice makes it easy to write. She's helped me to write loads of new chapters and the story of the book has changed a bit. I hope I will be able to send it in before summer is over. I'm a hard worker and feeling like shit always makes it easier to write. But still, I'm a superwoman, just like Alicia says.
This is what it used to look like before they took away all personality of this place and made it new.
Even when I'm a mess, I still put on a vest, with an S on my chest, Oh yes. I'm a superwoman.
You don't have a choice but to put on that superwoman suit every day. Otherwise you break down. Happy mothersday everybody.