Lucky coin
I wasted this day with catching up on all the sleep I've lost. When I woke up I found a small coin lying on my nightstand that I found on the ground yesterday. It's the smallest coin of the lot and it's basically not worth anything and at any other time I would have passed it by and left it there. But yesterday I picked it up, polished it with my finger and put it in my bra (as I do with everything, gross with coins though I know). So when I undressed last night before I went to bed it fell out and I put it on my nightstand. Now it's right here, next to my cup of coffee and my glasses. All I need to do now is to ask him for his address so I can send it to him as I promised. A lucky coin found on the streets of Stockholm, the only one he hasn't got.
As everyone knows by now, music is what makes me feel alive. It doesn't really matter if it's amazingly bad music, as long as it makes me think and feel I like it. These last two days I've been listening to Anders Glenmark. All Swedes are now going: baa ha ha ha and the foreign ones are saying: Who? Who you ask? Well, he's a Swedish singer/songwriter who was big in Sweden in the 80s and 90s. And it just so happened that I was listening to one of his songs when I found my 50 öre-coin. Jag finns här för dig (I'm here for you).
The most hated coin of them all. It's worth nothing but you always get it back when you get change. So sending one of them to another country would be awesome. buh bye femtio-öring.