A fridge as a canvas
I've always envied my friends for different things. C. has got that organized side that I could never get. Everything is in its place and things look amazing. My place is always cluttered, clean, yes, but cluttered. I have a hundred notebooks everywhere, pens and loose photos. I tried to organize my fridge to make it look less cluttered but less cluttered seems to mean boring for me.
What will I look at while pouring up a cup of coffee in the morning? All my friends, my memories and my family are on that fridge. Sometimes the pictures fall off so I replace them with new pictures of the same amazing people that I am lucky enough to be able to call my friends, my loved ones.
There's a crocodile on the fridge that has moved from my first apartment in Svedmyra, and then to the apartment I shared with Ls dad in Fagersjö and now it's safely on my fridge here.
The crocodile is a pencil sketch a friend drew when we were having coffee in my first apartment. A small apartment with one room and a view overlooking the parking lot. An apartment we all hated and loved at the same time. I was the only one with my own place back then so it became our sanctuary, our place away from the world.
I guess the crocodile reminds me of those days. A simple sketch reminding me of the simple and yet difficult time of growing up, seven years ago. All the stupid things we did and all the grown up things we haven't started to master yet. I wonder if I will look back seven years from now and think I was so childish back then or what the hell was I thinking?
No matter what, I will keep on using my fridge as my canvas of life.
Sexy men and a good song. Plus there is no way THIS song makes me think about that guy.