If I put my lead in the mirage, would it still go away?! Just a thought.
I'm so tired these days. I know it's the disease and after taking new blood tests on Monday they will put me on a new medication. It feels like someone has put lead inside my veins (Hello wolverine!). I move much slower and fatigue hits me like a bat over my head when I least expect it. It's just been one of those days again. The pain set in at about 14.00 (sounds like I'm in the army...) and I took some nitro-glycerine and the pain went away. Well, that pain did. I got a massive headache instead. Enough about that, I even bore myself sometimes!
NB is coming over in 30 minutes and we will watch a chick-flick just to forget about our problems. Love is awesome but talking about it makes this lead-filled body even more tired ‘cause then it's like I let it spread to my brain as well.
He talked to me yesterday. I've always had this thing about not telling too much about good stuff otherwise it will go away, so I'll stop there. I talked to him, it made me very happy and I hope he doesn't go away. He's real, no freaking mirage, but I can't take losing a friend right now. Not this one.
I'm going to develop some old (and new) pictures to put in my empty frames, and then put them up on the wall and today I came across this one. I love it, ‘cause I remember how happy I was (even though I looked like shit!). L is what makes this world of mine go ‘round. I love him. Jag älskar honom mer än något annat!!