In books we trust?
So today was a big day for me when it comes to choices. I've chosen what classes I want and need to take so I can apply for the university of my choice next year. Well, like S.L. said today: "Why dream small when you can dream big?!"
I don't think anyone who's living the dream ever thought that they weren't smart enough. And when you look at it, most of them probably aren't smart enough but instead they have the self confidence that could take anyone anywhere. So that's what's important: Self confidence and self trust.
In the Bex we trust! Write it down somewhere and turn it in to your mantra, because in a few (a bit more than a few, but still..) years, that mantra will be a slogan and that slogan will be just as important and serious as Bill Gates balance.
The library, the smell of old books and the history of it, all the knowledge or entertainment it has brought to all the people who's held it in their hands. The smell of new books that no one has ever looked in and the new experience it will soon give me. Reading, writing. Books, books, books. Love them.