We come in peace
The sun is shining again both outside my window and inside my chest. But... I have too much to do as always. I thought I was ahead in school but I was wrong. So my plan for this weekend was to study during the evenings and nights but instead I got a fever, aching arms and swollen eyes. So I spent last night on the couch with a cup of coffee (or four...) watching the athletics on TV and then I got to have his voice in my ear for a long time.
If I have to hear "Buzz lightyear to the rescue!!" or "We come in peace!" one more time I will make my little mans Buzz Lightyear robot mysteriously disappear, just like his small electric piano did. It just vanished... maybe the pirates stole it? That's my story anyways and I'm sticking with it.
Anywhoo, since I have a fever today I'm going to take it easy. Clean for a bit and do some ironing. But first I'm going to make an amazing lunch for me and my little man. Something with chicken always makes him happy. So chicken it is!!
That's exactly what his robot looks like. "THE robot" as he calls it.