Might be hard to love a mess up
Every time I go somewhere that requires packing, I always worry that my things won't fit in to the bag. Well, after I checked last night I realised that it won't be a problem and it never has been. This is just so typically me; worrying about things that I don't need to worry about. Last time I went to Bristol I packed everything in a backpack and do you know what? It all fit, I even had space to pack more if I wanted to and I didn't even wear all of the things that I'd packed...
Don't think about things that are out of your hands.
Remember your friends love you even when you mess up.
I'll sit by the phone, call whenever.
Everyone sees how amazing you are; believe them even when one person fails to see it.
Stupid thing to do but he'll see it for what it is, he's smart enough and you know it. Relax.
Those are sentences from my friends either heard over the phone or texted to me. Thanks guys for being so different and having different views on everything. It makes me become a better and more open person and I love you all for helping me become that.